Practicing both counting and body control with a fun movement game! In this Valentine’s Day Roll a Movement game, you can get silly with your body, work on math skills, and play in a fun way to celebrate the day of love.

Valentine's Day roll a movement pin

Some of my kids’ most favorite games include the ones where they get to move their bodies in fun and creative ways.

With Movement Bingo being an all time favorite, this Valentine’s Day Roll a Movement game is the perfect way to mix it up and celebrate the holiday dedicated to love.

This free printable takes so little prep work as you truly can just print and go!

More Roll A Movement Games To Play: 

Valentine's Day Roll a Movement Real on carpet with dice and clipboards

Skills Learned

Any game that can disguise some math as fun is right up my ally, and this Valentine’s Day Roll a Movement game certainly covers that.

Players will practice skills like:

  • Counting
  • Dice rolling
  • Body awareness 
  • Body movements
  • Turn taking
  • Score keeping
  • Number recognition
Valentine's Day Roll a Movement with the list of 1-12 movements

Get your printable here.

How To Play 

The directions are not complicated for this one, which makes it easy to get started and fun for the kids to focus on their counting skills and body movements. 

1. Player 1 rolls two dice. Count the number on the dice and then everyone moves as directed for that corresponding number.

2. Player 2 rolls and does the corresponding movement. Continue until you have complete all the movements.

3. Extend this activity by keeping score. The first person to roll all 12 numbers wins.

Valentine's Day Roll a Movement score card with numbers and hearts

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Included With Your Download

With your download, you receive:

    • 1 Valentine’s Day Roll a Movement page with numbers 1-12 and a different movement for each number
    • 1 score card page that includes 3 score cards per page
    • 1 directions page 

In total, you will receive a 3 page PDF straight to your inbox. You can save it in your email or download it straight to your computer.

Supplies Needed

This game is super easy to set up as you literally just have to print the pages! Sure, you have to cut the score cards, but that takes less than 30 seconds – a bit longer if you have little hands helping.

  • 2 pieces of printer paper – a few more depending on how many score cards you want to print.
  • A pair of dice
  • Pencils, crayons, or makers
  • Clipboards

If you plan to reuse your game, I recommend you laminate it. That way you can pull it out again and again and save it for next year!


You are going to have such a blast playing this Valentine’s Day Roll a Movement game with your little ones. We are alwasy hysterical over all the fun and creative ways to move our bodies.

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Printables from are for personal and classroom use only.