A Thanksgiving movement game that is easy to play with any age. Simply print the free printable and play to make Thanksgiving memories all holiday long.
There is something about the simplicity of Thanksgiving.
The gathering together of family to eat is just the basic of all good things. It is something families do on Sundays, or every evening around the table.
Thanksgiving just puts that basic thing amped up and makes it that much more joyful to share delicious food with people you love.
Sure, there is fighting the crowds, traffic and long TSA lines, and then of course some family disagreements, but we can look past all that for the sake of togetherness, right?
In this Thanksgiving Roll A Movement free printable game, you will be able to do more together on Thanksgiving as you wait for the turkey to cook just right. Keep the little ones busy as they get antsy with all the talking as you simple print, grab your dice, and play.
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Grab our other versions of Roll a Movement games:
Skills Learned With Thanksgiving Roll A Movement
While you may not be too concerned with getting skills practiced in during holiday games, Thanksgiving Roll A Movement still is incorporating so many different skills for your child to practice.
The best part is your little one will barely know that she is practicing these things and she gets to explore them in a different routine. This can make it a great way to solidify some of the skills.
Practiced skills during Thanksgiving Roll A Movement include:
- Number recognition
- Dice counting
- Dice rolling
- Creativity
- Body control
- Body awareness
- Turn taking
- Score keeping
- Reading

Game Directions
This is truly such an easy game to take with you on your Thanksgiving adventures. All you have to do is print and play!
I do suggest you laminate your Thanksgiving printable movement game so you can have it out among the food and drinks without worry. I love this simple laminator and have had it for years with no issues.
To modify the game for your younger players, simply just cut it down to one dice. It won’t take as long to play and your child won’t be overwhelmed with the counting.
How To Play:
1. Player 1 rolls two dice (or one, depending on what you chose). Count the number on the dice and then everyone moves as directed for that corresponding number.
2. Player 2 rolls and does the corresponding move. Continue until you have complete all the movements.
3. Extend this activity by keeping score. The first person to roll all 12 numbers wins.

Included In Your Free Printable
With your free Thanksgiving printable movement game, you get:
- 1 Thanksgiving Roll A Movement page with numbers 1-12 with a different Thanksgiving themed move for each number.
- 1 score page that includes 3 score sheets per page
- 1 directions page
All together, you will get a 3 page PDF straight to your inbox.
Needed Supplies
There is very little needed supplies!
- 2 pieces of printer paper – More depending on how many score cards you want to print at three per page.
- Dice
- Dot markers or crayons/markers for keeping score
- Scissors
- Optional: 1 laminating sheet and a laminator
With your free movement game of Thanksgiving Roll a Movement, you will be getting into the Thanksgiving day spirit even before the holiday. It is a perfect day to work those wiggles any time during the season withou much space needed or prep work!
Other Activities To Love:
Printables from moveplaygo.com are for personal and classroom use only.