Ready to practice dice reading and number recognition while getting some movement in? Easter Roll a Movement checks all those boxes.
The kids knew exactly what was laying in the printer when they got home from school.
One immediately ran to hunt down the dice, the other to find a few clipboards.
This is not the first Roll a Movement game that I’ve created and the kids were ready to play with new movements while enjoying the Easter theme.
Cue to them rolling around like jelly beans, shaking their full bodies as they attempted to shake their cottontails, and some serious counting dice and adding learning going on.
Easter Roll a Movement is a free printable that packs in both a ton of math and movement. The best way to learn and reinforce some skills!
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Skills Learned With Easter Roll A Movement
All three of my children, ages 7, 5, and 4, were able to participate in Easter Roll a Movement. Each one was able to take turns, roll dice, practice counting dice to various levels of support, and match that added number to the number on the sheet.
There was a serious amount of learning going on while we played for a full 45 minutes. That is a lot of math wrapped up into one activity!
Not only was each child getting their own level of math skills in, but all three were able to move, wiggle, jump, and roll throughout the game as they acted out each item. What a great way to take a brain break as they learn.
Some skills we practiced during the game:
- Number recognition
- Dice counting
- Dice rolling
- Creativity
- Body control
- Body awareness
- Turn taking
- Score keeping
- Reading

Game Directions
There are so many ways to get creative with this game and to modify it according to your leaners and their attention spans.
How To Play:
1. Player 1 rolls two dice (or one, depending on what you chose). Count the number on the dice and then everyone moves as directed for that corresponding number.
2. Player 2 rolls and does the corresponding move. Continue until you have complete all the movements.
3. Extend this activity by keeping score. The first person to roll all 12 numbers wins.
Some variations to play:
- Only play with one dice and numbers 1-6 on the print out.
- Play that everyone fills in their score cards when someone rolls a number, rather than going one at at ime.
- Roll the dice as a group and everyone acts out at the same time and fills in their card.
- Skip the score cards all together.

Included In Your Free Printable
With your free Easter printable movement game, you get:
- 1 Easter Roll A Movement page with numbers 1-12 with a different Easter themed moves for each number.
- 1 score page that includes 3 score sheets per page
- 1 directions page
All together, you will get a 3 page PDF.
Needed Supplies
While not just a print and go activity, there are just a handful of items you need to play.
- 2 pieces of printer paper – More depending on how many score cards you need. There are three per page.
- Dice
- Dot markers or crayons/markers for keeping score
- Scissors
- Optional: Plastic sleeve or laminator
Make all the math work fun this week while encouraging movement with this Easter Roll a Movement free printable. Once you teach the kids how to play, they will want to play again and again, both with you and on their own. This math and movement game is truly packed full of learning the kids won’t even know is happening.
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Printables from are for personal and classroom use only.