Combine both coloring fine motor skills with memory in these free, printable, Color Your Own Halloween Memory Cards.

We love a memory game in our house.
We have several different memory style games that we play often. I love memory as almost all the ages and stages of learning we have can participate in the game in some way. The kids love memory because they almost always win against me.
Any time I can work in this simple game style, especially into a holiday theme, I will. It gets everyone excited about what is to come, is easy for all to play, and in these Color Your Own Halloween Memory Cards, the kids get to take ownership over the actual cards themselves.
For a free Halloween printable, it is an overwhelming win.
Looking for more memory games? Check out these versions:
Color Your Own Halloween Memory Cards Skills
It’s not secret that I love a printable, but a printable that covers more than one skill?
Sign me up immediately.
In these Color Your Own Halloween Memory cards, your kids can not only practice their creative coloring skills, but they get to practice all these other skills as well:
- Fine motor skills / dexterity from both coloring and flipping the cards over
- Matching
- Memory
- Body Control
- Turn Taking
- Counting
- Attention Span
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Get your printable here.
How To Play
The only difference in playing Halloween memory from regular memory is that you get to color the cards first. This allows your children to really take ownership over the cards as they get to be the ones to design them!
To set up the game:
1. Print the memory cards (pages 2-5). There are 24 total pairs spread over 4 pages.
2. Cut out the cards and color them in. This is an excellent activity for little hands! These twistable colored pencils make it super easy and eliminate the need for a pencil sharpener.
3. Optional, but highly recommended: Laminate your cards. I adore my simple and effective laminator.
To play the game:
1.Mix up the cards.
2.Lay the cards out face down.
3.Player 1 flips over two cards. If the cards are a match, Player 1 keeps the cards. If they are not a match, the Player 1 flips them back over.
4.Continue play until all the matches have been found.
5.The winner has the most matchces!

What Is Included In Your Free Game?
In your free Color Your Own Halloween Memory Cards you receive:
- 24 sets of matches across 4 pages
- 1 directions page
In total, you receive a 5 page PDF you can download or save in your email.
Supplies Needed
If you choose to print all 24 matches, you just need:
- 4 pieces of printer paper
- Scissors
- Coloring supplies
- Optional: 4 laminating sheets and a laminator
This game really just takes a bit of coloring and cutting to be ready to play.
You can use these Color Your Own Halloween Memory Cards any time during all the Halloween holiday excitement. You can even spread using them over a few days by coloring a few at a time and then playing memory on the final day. However you choose to use them, you have an excellent printable your children willl love at the ready.
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Printables from are for personal and classroom use only.