Christmas Movement Bingo


Not your standard bingo game as this one involved movement! Print your Christmas Movement Bingo cards and get the whole group moving in different ways, giggling, and getting into the holiday spirit.


Not your standard bingo game as this one involved movement! Print your Christmas Movement Bingo cards and get the whole group moving in different ways, giggling, and getting into the holiday spirit.

How to Play:

  • Print as many Christmas Bingo cards as you need. There are 10 unique cards included in this printable.
  • Cut up your call cards.
  • Begin to play by calling out one of the call cards and covering that item on your own bingo board. When someone gets 5 across, down, or diagonal, she wins!

Included With Your Purchase:

  • 13 page PDF. Simply save it to your computer or email.
  • 10 unique bingo cards – Ideal for a family or small group at your Christmas parties!
  • 24 bingo call cards spread across two pages

This printable Christmas Bingo game makes is super easy to plan activities for the whole group. Everyone can play, no matter what age, and all will enjoy the fun and creativity that comes with each movement.

This product is an instant download. You are responsible for printing the bingo cards and call cards yourself.

This purchase is non-refundable and cannot be canceled once ordered. Printables from are for personal and classroom use only.


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