Add some family games and conversation to your Independence Day with these free printable Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards.

4th of July Would You Rather Pin 2

The kids love a holiday. 

The festive food, the special events, learning about what the holiday means. The kids are all in, no matter what the occassion. 

As we lead up to a holiday, I like to pre-load them with what might happen on that date. For the Fourth of July that means we get to discuss fireworks, barbeques, swimming time, hot weather, and America’s independence. 

Their little minds get turning and the questions they come out with are always interesting, creative, and curious. 

With these Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards, I get to indulge their curiousity and still have a focus on the holiday. 

More Outdoor Summer Fun:

4th of July Would You Rather Full Page

How To Use These Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards

You can get creative with these Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards in your hands! You can use them around the dinner table to make some conversation about the upcoming holiday, spread them on the table at your 4th of July party, or pull out one at a time over the course of the week.

You could even have them on hand for those summer weekend road trips!

It is really up to you as the main goal is to get your little ones thinking, discussing, and listening to each other. They truly make a low-stress way to have a chat together.

4th of July Would You Rather Cut Up

Get your printable here.

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How To Prep Your Free Printable

This is such an easy printable to prepare because all you have to do is hit print!

I prefer to print in color if you can as it makes it easier and more festive for your early readers who need to use thier picture power. No need to get anything fancy. I have had this HP color printer for years and it hasn’t failed me yet.

One printed, just cut out the cards, or give that job to your older child, and you a ready.

Included In This Printable

The free printable of Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards includes:

    • 2 page PDF sent to your email
    • 1 page with directions 
    • 1 page with your 12 printable Would You Rather Cards

However you chose to use these Fourth of July Would You Rather Cards, having these little conversations with your kids is going to spark joy in all of you. You get to hear their preferences and reasoning, which might not be what you thought, and they get to build that knowledge, decision making, and connection time with you. Happy Fourth of July!

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Printables from are for personal and classroom use only.